What is SB 78: Dues and Uniform Assessments?
Currently, a faculty member who wants to join UFF submits a dues authorization form to UFF which is then sent to FIU HR for automatic processing. According to SB 78, once the employer (e.g. FIU HR) receives a signed dues authorization (i.e. membership form), the employer must “confirm with the employee, electronically or by other means, that he or she authorized the deduction of dues and uniform assessments.” This puts the employer, rather than the employee, in charge of the dues authorization process for the first time in Florida’s history.
What is HB 947?
HB 947 is the House “companion bill” to SB 78.
Why are FEA and UFF opposed to SB 78?
Both bills also places a burden on workers who want to remain a member of their union. By forcing workers to reauthorize every time a new contract is signed, a member would have to submit a re-authorization form to remain a member when they have no intention of leaving the union. At FIU, that means every UFF-FIU member would need to re-authorize their membership every year that a new CBA is ratified!
What FEA Members are saying about SB 78 (PDF)
What can you do to help stop SB 78 and HB 947?
SB 78 already passed the Government Oversight and Accountability Committee by a 4-2 party-line vote and was heard by Judiciary committee on Monday, February 1st without a vote but passed .
HB 947 was first heard by the House Government Operations Committee on Monday, March 8th and passed on a party-line vote.
UPDATE: SB 78 was supposed to be heard by the Senate Rules Committee on Thursday, March 4th but has been delayed again. This means your calls and emails are working!
Contact committee members with talking points to oppose SB 78
Contact committee members with talking points to oppose HB 947
Thread from FEA on 2/1/21 Judiciary Committee hearing (unrolled):
At 2:30 this afternoon the Senate Judiciary Committee will meet and SB 78 is on the agenda.
Click the link to see what professional educators had to say about this latest attempt at governmental overreach and union busting: https://t.co/4hK8t2nDjN
1/x— Florida Education Association (@FloridaEA) February 1, 2021