What is SB 264: Higher Education?
SB 264 would require Florida’s public colleges and universities to administer an “intellectual diversity” survey every year with results to be published by the State Board of Education. It also has a “companion bill” in the House, HB 233.
Why are FEA and UFF opposed to SB 264?
For the third straight year, the text of this bill has been introduced. SB 264 is another bill in search of a problem as students already have freedom of speech on campus and in the classroom. The bill also does not detail how the survey will be created, how the survey will be evaluated, and how any information will be used. If enacted, this bill would open the doors to political intimidation in our classrooms and create a chilling effect on academic freedom, a faculty right established by our CBA.
What can you do to help stop SB 264?
SB 264 already passed two of the three committees it has been assigned to: Education Committee (6-4 party line vote) and the Education Appropriations Subcommittee (6-3 party line vote).
Contact committee members with talking points to oppose SB 264
Thread from FEA on 2/9/21 Education Appropriations Subcommittee hearing:
At 2:00pm today, the Senate Education Appropriations Committee will take up SB 264.
Like many of the bills related to education that seem to be gaining traction this session, SB 264 is a solution in search of a problem. 1/x
— Florida Education Association (@FloridaEA) February 9, 2021