Although UFF-FIU engages in political action to the extent allowed by law, federal law prevents us (or our parent organizations) from using funds collected from membership dues to directly aid candidates running for (or holding) public office.

However, the statewide UFF has established UFF-PAC, a political action committee which is funded with volunteer, non-dues contributions and which thereby is able to give contributions directly to candidates who are both friendly to higher education and labor.

UFF-PAC is a non-partisan political action committee. It gives contributions to Democrats, Republicans, and independents, based on UFF’s assessments of where our limited funds can be best spent. These are candidates who are first and foremost willing to engage in higher education discussions and are thoroughly vetted by UFF. These decisions are ultimately accountable to the elected UFF leadership, including your local UFF-FIU Senators, and the UFF membership statewide.

UFF-PAC donations do not go to races at the federal level (President, Congressional) and instead target statewide gubernatorial and legislative race and, less often, local school board races. These are the political leaders which decide everything from our state’s higher education budgets, employee retirement plans, and appoint BOG and BOT members.

UFF-PAC Payment Options

115 N Calhoun St, Suite 6
Tallahassee, FL 32301

  • Make a one time, online contribution

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