CHANGES TO 2015-2018 CBA
Proposed changes to the 2015-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement are listed below in red color—either as additions (underlined) or deletions (strikethrough). Page numbers (in blue) ,referenced in parentheses, are to the current 2015-2018 CBA , and given new additions/deletions, they may change in the future.
3.4 (g) Released time shall be used for conducting UFF Chapter business at the University or State level and shall not be used for lobbying, or other political representation , or for any activities for which the use of released time is prohibited by State law. (current CBA, p. 9)
Article 11 SALARIES
11.1 20165-20176 Salary Increases. The salary increases represented in 11.1(a) and (b) are derived from eighteen point four percent (18.4%) of the total performance funding that FIU received for the 20165-20176 performance outcomes.
(a) 20165-20176 Retention Increase. Effective on January 16, 2016, all eligible employees who were employed prior to July 1, 2015 and who are continuously employed through January 1, 2016 and are not in receipt of a notice of termination or non-reappointment shall receive a one percent (1.00%) retention increase to their base salaries. Effective on January 14, 2017, all eligible employees who were employed prior to July 1, 2016 and who are continuously employed through January 1, 2017, are not in receipt of a notice of termination or non-reappointment, and who have received a minimum overall rating of “satisfactory” or better in their most recent annual evaluation shall receive a one percent (1.00%) retention increase to their base salaries, with a minimum increase of $800.
(b) 20165-20176 Department Merit. The University shall provide merit pay funding totaling one percent (1.00%) with a minimum of $750 awarded to each eligible faculty member, of the total bargaining unit base salary payroll, as it existed on the last full pay period of the 2014-2015 Academic Year on a pro rata basis to departments/units, as their base salary payroll existed on the last full pay period of the 2014-2015 Academic Year. The funds provided shall be distributed to employees within each department or academic unit consistent with the criteria and procedures set forth in the BOT-UFF Policy concerning Employee Performance Evaluation and effective on January 16, 2016. If merit criteria apply to the entire college/school, the college/school is the unit. All employees are, or upon appointment will be, assigned to an existing department/unit. To be eligible the employee must have been continuously employed prior to July 1, 2015. The University shall provide merit pay funding totaling one-half of one percent (0.50%) of the total bargaining unit base salary payroll, as it existed on the last full pay period of the 2015-2016 Academic Year on a pro rata basis to departments/units, as their base salary payroll existed on the last full pay period of the 2015-2016 Academic Year. The funds provided shall be distributed to employees within each department or academic unit as a base salary increase consistent with the criteria and procedures set forth in the BOT-UFF Policy concerning Employee Performance Evaluation and effective on January 14, 2017. If merit criteria apply to the entire college/school, the college/school is the unit. All employees are, or upon appointment will be, assigned to an existing department/unit. To be eligible the employee must have been continuously employed prior to July 1, 2016. 11.2 2015-2018 Convocation Awards. At the annual Faculty Convocation the FIU Board of Trustees or designee may provide to employees one-time awards totaling no more than 0.16% of the total employee payroll as of the end of the prior Academic Year for special achievements, including awards for teaching, research, service, mentorship, librarianship and advising and Distinguished University Professor, according to the selection procedures established by the Faculty Senate. No later than July 30 of each year, the University shall provide the local UFF chapter a listing of such awards showing the name and department of each employee given an award during the previous academic year and the amount and nature of the award. (current CBA, p. 28)
11.4 Promotion Increases. Effective at the beginning of the academic year in which their promotions are effective, employees
shall be awarded promotion increases as follows:
(a) To Assistant University Librarian or Assistant Professor, a nine percent (9%) increase;
(b) To Senior Lecturer, Senior Instructor, Research Associate, Associate Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Associate Professor),
Associate University Librarian, or Associate Professor, a ten percent (10%) twelve percent (12%) increase;
(c) To University Lecturer, University Instructor, Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Professor), University Librarian, or Professor, a twelve percent (12%) fourteen percent (14%) increase.
(d) Those employees mentioned under (b) and (c) who received apromotion increase at the beginning of academic year 2016-2017 shall receive an additional two percent (2%) increase to their base salary as of January 14, 2017 calculated on the salary of August 19, 2016, prior to the application of the promotion increase of Fall 2016.
(current CBA, p. 29)
11.11 Distinguished University Professor. The Provost shall designate up to five Distinguished University Professors each year and the individuals selected will each receive a $5,000 base salary adjustment as part of the annual salary increase process in the academic year following their selection as Distinguished University Professors. The Provost, in accordance with the university governance process and subject to consultation with UFF, shall determine the criteria and procedures.
(current CBA, p. 30)
All full time and regular part-time employees in the following classifications:
9001 – Professor
9002 – Associate Professor
9003 – Assistant Professor
9024 – University Instructor
9014 – Senior Instructor
9004 – Instructor
9025 – University Lecturer
9015 – Senior Lecturer
9005 – Lecturer
9006 – Graduate Research Professor
9007 – Distinguished Service Professor
9009 – Eminent Scholar
9053 – University Librarian
9054 – Associate University Librarian
9055 – Assistant University Librarian
9056 – Instructor Librarian
9120 – Associate in
9121 – Assistant in
9126 – Program Director
9160 – Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Professor)
9161 – Associate Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Associate Professor)
9162 – Assistant Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Assistant Professor)
9166 – Research Associate
9178 – Instructional Specialist
And employees with the following Administrative Titles: Associate Chair (C2), Assistant Chair (C3).
C1 – chairpersons, deans, associate deans, assistant deans, directors, and all administrators above them, all employees of the school of law, all employees of the College of Medicine, chairman of the faculty senate serving on the board of trustees, managerial and confidential employees, and all other employees of The Board of Trustees of the Florida International University.
(current CBA, p. 37)
(1) Eligibility: Employees classified as Instructor, Lecturer, Senior Instructor, Senior Lecturer, Instructor Librarian, Assistant University Librarian, Associate University Librarian, Assistant Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Assistant Professor), Associate Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Associate Professor), Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Research Associate, Senior Research Associate, Instructional Specialist, and Senior Instructional Specialist shall be eligible to apply for promotion. Employees appointed with the modifiers “Clinical” or “Professional Practice” shall be eligible for promotion. Employees appointed with the modifier “Visiting” shall not be eligible for promotion.
(3) Promotion Criteria and Procedures.
(a) Each college/school and/or department/unit, as its faculty deem appropriate, subject to the approval of the Dean/Director and Provost, shall adopt its own promotion criteria and procedures, consistent with University-wide criteria and procedures, and reflecting the particular mission and disciplinary requirements specific to the academic unit. Policies on the promotion process must include a poll by secret ballot of the members of the employee’s department/unit concerning the employee’s promotion application, in accordance with criteria for voting set out by the employee’s department/unit. Such criteria and procedures, as appropriate to the academic unit, shall provide for promotion to Senior Lecturer, Senior Instructor, University Lecturer, University Instructor, Assistant University Librarian, Associate University Librarian, University Librarian, Associate Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Associate Professor), Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (Research Professor), Associate Professor, Professor, Research Associate, Senior Research Associate, Instructional Specialist, and Senior Instructional Specialist. In the event that through the University’s Strategic Planning process there is a recommendation different than the process defined in this policy, the parties agree to renegotiate this policy without the use of a reopener.
(current CBA, pp. 70-71)