MOU Reminders: Pausing your tenure clock & vulnerability attestation

Pre-tenure faculty, we want to remind you that according to our ratified MOU, if you are in need of a pause in your tenure clock as a result of COVID-19, the deadline is October 16th. You will not be denied the pause in your tenure clock as a result of COVID-19.

This October 16th deadline is to have the initial conversation with your Chair. A tenure pause is an acknowledgement by the University that COVID-19 may negatively impact, or has already negatively impacted, your scholarship and/or creative activities. Per the MOU, “a temporary pause does not necessarily indicate a request for or approval of a tenure clock extension. Instead, it identifies potentially impacted faculty and begins the process for potential tenure clock extensions.”

During the pause, you should continue to have a discussion with your Chair about the impact of the health emergency to your activities and whether a tenure clock extension is necessary. If you do formally request a tenure clock extension due to COVID-19 impacts, you will have until December 31st to make that decision. An extension request will follow the procedures outlined in the Tenure & Promotion manual.

Faculty are not required to request either a pause or an extension.

For all faculty, if you haven’t already attested to a COVID-19 health vulnerability for Spring 2021, the attestation process is very simple. You will receive a confirmation email from HR after you submit your attestation. We know the scheduling process for Spring 2021 is very confusing right now and the communication about what to do is overwhelming, but you are protected with the spring MOU from being compelled to return to a non-remote setting.

While you officially have until December 7th, we suggest completing the attestation ASAP.

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