(As amended 10/24/2019)
This organization shall be known as the Florida International University Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida.
Section 1
To bring faculty and professional employees of the University into a relationship of mutual assistance and cooperation in order to obtain for them the rights and privileges to which they are entitled.
Section 2
To promote the democratization of the University so it will better serve the people of the State of Florida.
Section 3
To achieve and safeguard academic freedom.
Section 4
To combat bigotry in all of its forms at Florida International University, in the State University System, and in society.
The ultimate authority in the Chapter rests with the membership, exercised either through a referendum or through a Chapter meeting. The Chapter Council shall determine policies outside of the Chapter meetings and shall have the power to initiate action in the period between Chapter meetings. The Executive Committee shall carry out the policy decisions of the Chapter and the Chapter Council. Except for by-law revisions, majority rule by those present and voting shall pertain for all elections and for all decisions by the Chapter Council, Executive Committee, Committees, and Chapter meetings.
A referendum on any issue or recall election of a Chapter officer may be initiated: 1) by a majority vote of the Chapter Council; 2) by a petition signed by 20% of the Chapter membership. A referendum or recall election must be held within thirty days of one of these two actions.
Chapter meetings will be held at least once a semester or whenever called by the President or a majority of the Chapter Council. Members will be given no less than ten days’ notice of any such meeting, including those regarding contract ratification. Any member in good standing shall have a vote at Chapter meetings. One meeting shall be held in the Spring academic term to elect the Chapter officers, Senators, and Delegates. Chapter meetings can make chapter policy on any issue whatsoever, and their decisions are binding on the Chapter Council, Executive Committee, and the Chapter as a whole.
Section 1
A President, Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer shall be elected yearly at the Spring Chapter meeting by a secret ballot of members. No individual may hold more than one of these elected offices at the same time during any year.
Section 2
The President shall direct the activities of the chapter in accordance with policy as described in Article III. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter membership, Chapter Council, and Executive Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, sign all necessary documents and papers, and represent the Chapter both internally and externally. The President shall report to Membership meetings and the Chapter Council the actions of the Executive Committee. In the event of the President's permanent absence or resignation, the vice President shall assume the title and duties of the President for the remainder of the term, upon which time the Vice Presidency shall be deemed vacant and subject to replacement by appointment as prescribed in Article XIII.
Section 3
The Vice President shall assist the President in directing the activities of the chapter and exercise other duties as prescribed by the President, Executive Committee, and Chapter Council. In the absence or temporary inability to serve of the President, the Vice President shall serve as Acting President.
Section 4
The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Chapter, shall record the minutes of all Membership, Chapter Council, and Executive Committee meetings, and shall assist the Nominations and Elections Committee in carrying out its duties for all Chapter elections.
Section 5
The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Chapter, shall exercise supervision over the receipt and disbursement of all monies, properties, securities and other evidences of financial worth of the organization, and shall prepare a monthly statement, and a proposed annual statement for the state UFF. The Treasurer is responsible for obtaining the preparation of the US IRS tax return and vouchers from a certified public accountant.
Section 1
Effective on the first day of the Summer academic term in the year 2020, the Chapter Council is the main legislative body of the chapter between Chapter meetings. The Chapter Council shall have the duty to advise the Executive Committee and the power of consent over the decisions thereof.
Section 2
The Chapter Council shall meet at least twice per semester, or whenever called by the President or by a majority of the council, to establish the bargaining agenda, coordinate membership meetings, promote the welfare of the Chapter, advise the Treasurer on the chapter budget, and exercise its powers of advice and consent.
Section 3
The voting members of the Chapter Council shall consist of all Officers, Senators and Alternates, Delegates, Chairs of the Standing Committees, the immediate past chapter President, and at-large members as appointed according to Section 6.
Section 4
The goal of the Chapter shall be to have a Chapter Council that is as representative of the diverse colleges, schools, and departments of the university as possible, and to ensure that both the Modesto Maidique and Biscayne Bay campuses are represented on the Council.
Section 5
The Chapter Council shall have the power to recommend to the State UFF the employment of persons on a part-time or full-time basis. Any member of the UFF who is employed by the UFF shall earn no more than what she or he would earn in the State University System.
Section 6
The President may, with the consent of the elected membership of the Chapter Council, appoint up to three (3) at-large and/or retired members to serve on the Chapter Council.
Section 1
Effective on the first day of the Summer academic term in the year 2020, the Executive Committee is the main executive body of the chapter.
Section 2
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month, or whenever called by the President or by a majority of the committee, to carry out the regular business of the chapter.
Section 3
The voting membership of the Executive Committee shall include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the chairpersons of the standing committees, and the immediate past chapter President.
Section 1
The President shall nominate to be approved by the Chapter Council the Chairpersons and members of Chapter standing committees. The following standing committees shall be established: Bargaining, Grievance, Membership, Legislative Affairs, and the Good and Welfare Committee.
Section 2
All committees shall be under the direction of their respective chairpersons, who shall be in turn under the direction of the President and Chapter Council.
Section 3
The Grievance Committee shall keep records of and supervise all grievances and insure that the Chapter Council and Executive Committee are fully informed on the progress in maintaining and expanding the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Chairperson of the Grievance Committee shall be the official Chapter nominee to the State UFF Contract Enforcement Committee unless otherwise determined by the Chapter Council.
Section 4
The Legislative Affairs Committee shall cooperate with the State UFF in lobbying, endorsing candidates, raising contributions, conducting letter-writing campaigns, attending political functions, sponsoring events where UFF members can meet elected officials, and working with the UFF-PAC and NEA PAC. The chairperson of the Legislative Affairs Committee shall be the official Chapter nominee to the State UFF Political Action-Legislative Committee unless otherwise determined by the Chapter Council.
Section 5
The Membership Committee shall carry out membership drives among eligible members of the bargaining unit, contact all new bargaining unit employees and, with the approval of the Chapter Council, cooperate in assisting in the organization of other colleges and universities. The chairperson of the Membership Committee shall be the official Chapter nominee to the State UFF Membership Committee unless otherwise determined by the Chapter Council.
Section 6
The Bargaining Committee shall determine bargaining agenda items; plan and analyze bargaining surveys; develop and analyze data related to issues of concern to the bargaining unit; communicate with other UFF chapters to discuss contract items and bargaining strategies; and report regularly to the Executive Committee and Chapter Council. The Bargaining Committee shall meet regularly and whenever called by the Chair of the Bargaining Committee or President. The Chair of the Bargaining Committee in consultation with the President shall determine those members appointed to participate actively in bargaining sessions with the administration. The Chair of the Bargaining Committee or designee shall provide the chapter bargaining report to State UFF at each Senate meeting.
Section 7
The Good and Welfare Committee shall be responsible for promoting the Chapter community, including planning social activities, organizing charitable events, and providing appropriate chapter responses to events such as illnesses, deaths, and retirements.
Section 8
The President with the consent of the Executive Committee may create Ad-Hoc Committees, Task Forces, or other such bodies, and determine which Chairpersons and other key members of such Committees and Task Forces shall be nonvoting members of the Chapter Council.
Section 9
Chairpersons and members of Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees may be removed by the President with consent of the Chapter Council. Failure to carry out prescribed duties and actions, to adhere to Chapter policies, or to attend Executive Committee and/or Chapter Council meetings, shall constitute grounds for removal.
Section 10
The President shall appoint a Nominations and Elections Committee in the Spring of each year. The committee shall solicit nominations for all elected positions, determine candidate eligibility, and administer the chapter election, then dissolve when the election is complete. The chairperson and members of the Nominations and Elections Committee may not serve on the Executive Committee and normally may not be candidates for any office on the ballot.
Section 1
Officers, Senators, and FEA Delegates will be elected in our Spring Chapter Meeting and will begin serving on the first day of the proximate Summer academic term.
Section 2
The number of senators to be elected is established at the state level based on total chapter membership as of January 15. The number of FEA Delegates to be elected is established according to FEA bylaws. The President shall report to the Chapter Council as soon as is practicable each year the number of Senators and Delegates allotted to the chapter by each respective body.
Section 3
The Nominations and Elections Committee is charged with soliciting nominations for Officers, Senators, and Delegates from the membership, compiling the list of nominees for the Elections Meeting, and administering the election.
Section 4
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall seek to fill separate nominations slates for Officers, Senators, and Delegates for each election. The nominees receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected as Senators and Delegates. Nominees not elected as Senators or Delegates may be chosen as Alternates based on the number of votes received when elections were held.
Section 5
Announcements of the Chapter Election Meeting must be sent by email to the membership at least ten days prior to the Election Meeting.
Section 6
Individuals who notify the Nominations and Elections Committee by the deadline established by the committee of their intent to run for office may include a brief Candidacy Statement in writing to be circulated at the Elections Meeting.
Section 7
Voting will be done by secret ballot; only members present at the Election Meeting may vote.
Section 8
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall tally the votes immediately upon completion of the election and announce the results at the Elections Meeting. Announcements of the results will be made by the President to the membership within one week after the Elections Meeting.
Section 1
The Chapter President shall be a Senator.
Section 2
During the Spring membership meeting, the Chapter shall elect the remainder of its Senators in conformity with the State UFF Constitution.
Section 3
When Senatorial positions become vacant, Alternates selected in accordance with Article X, Section 4 shall become Senators. If no Alternates are selected, the President shall appoint a replacement upon consent of the Chapter Council.
Section 4
Alternate senators who are replacing absent senators may vote at state senate meetings.
The terms of Chapter Officers, Senators, and Delegates shall begin on the first day of the Summer academic term following the Spring membership meeting in which they are elected and continue until the first day of the Summer academic term the following year.
Section 1
The President may declare the vacancy of a Chapter Officer, Senator, or Delegate position when the officeholder has been absent without notification from two or more scheduled meetings within a semester, or when the officeholder otherwise becomes ineligible or unable to serve. Vacancy declarations are subject to the consent of the Chapter Council.
Section 2
The President shall, upon the vacancy of any elected office, appoint a replacement to fill the remainder of the term, on the advice of the Executive Committee and with consent of the Chapter Council.
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern in all cases not covered by the By-laws.
The By-laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of those present and voting at a membership meeting if the members have been notified at least ten days in advance of a proposed amendment to the By-laws.