Upcoming Events

Event Date Location
Union Office Hours - Spring 2025Available Tuesday and Thursday this week.
Spring 2025 Union Office Hours
Speak with a union representative. Available Tuesday and Thursday until the end of Spring 2025. See the hours in the link.
Chapter Meeting & ElectionsWednesday, April 2
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Wertheim Conservatory, WC 130 (MMC)
Marine Science Reading Room, MSB 105 (BBC)
In the Spring Chapter Meeting, Officers and Senators are elected for terms beginning the following academic year.
[See Complete Event List][View Calendar]

Recent Events

Event Date
UFF-FIU Lunch in the Faculty ClubWednesday, February 5
Chili's Happy HourThursday, January 16
Holiday PartyThursday, December 5
Chapter MeetingMonday, November 25
Chili's Happy HourThursday, November 21
Union Office Hours - Fall 2024Tuesday, October 1
Family Breakfast & Playground PlaydateSaturday, September 28
Banned Books WeekThursday, September 26
Chili's Happy HourThursday, September 19
2024-27 CBA RatificationWednesday, September 11

Social Events

Luncheon Group PhotoThroughout the year, the union holds social events for members to meet colleagues across campus. In the past, these have included a "Welcome" luncheon or social for new faculty, an annual Holiday Party, and smaller monthly meetups over drinks.

Tenure and Promotion Workshops

tenure and promotionEach year, the Union presents workshops for tenure and promotion in collaboration with the Office to Advance Women, Equity & Diversity. These workshops discuss strategies for helping junior faculty advance in the University. Panels of faculty and administrators advise the faculty on many topics, including gathering strong recommendation letters, focusing research and achieving balance of research, teaching, and service.

Chapter Meetings

fall chapter meeting Chapter Meetings, which occur at least once in each of the Fall and Spring terms, are important meetings for the Chapter to democratically sets its goals and policy for the upcoming period. The Chapter membership hears reports from the Executive Committee, the Bargaining Team, the Grievance Team, etc., and helps influences policy for the upcoming period which the various committees and teams will then help carry out.

Chapter Elections

vote 2
Spring Chapter Meetings are usually held in February or March. At the spring Chapter Meeting, Officers and Senators are elected for terms beginning on the first date of the Summer academic term. Only UFF-FIU members are eligible to vote in Chapter Elections! Please join us and cast your ballot.

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