MEDIA ADVISORY | For Immediate Release – Update

February 7, 2025 MEDIA ADVISORY | For Immediate Release Contact: Tania Cepero Lopez, Acting President, UFF-FIU, United Faculty of Florida-Florida International University (UFF-FIU) is alarmed by the Governor-led appointment of a new interim FIU president. This is only the latest instance of the Governor’s dictatorial overreach, which is being actively rebuked even by members of his own party in the Legislature. We reject it as well. As we heard from students, faculty, and members… Continue reading

MEDIA ADVISORY | For Immediate Release

February 6, 2025 MEDIA ADVISORY | For Immediate Release United Faculty of Florida-Florida International University (UFF-FIU) is alarmed by reports on the imminent appointment of Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez as FIU’s Interim President.  We are unaware as to why President Jessell would be unable to complete his current term, and do not want to speculate as to the reasons why a change may be necessary. At the same time, given the public comments by the… Continue reading

New Assignment Processes

Dear Faculty, After we communicated the change in the assignment timeline, it has become clear that there is some uneven articulation of the new process and faculty’s new rights. We hope this message will provide some clarity to both areas. New Contract Language The new CBA states “each employee shall submit a proposal for their next year’s assignment noting the department/unit’s expectations commensurate with the assigned effort/position to the person responsible for making their assignment.”… Continue reading

2024 General Election Information

2024 General Election Information Early voting: In Miami-Dade County, early voting is Monday, October 21 through Sunday, November 3. MMC will serve as an early voting site. Registered Miami-Dade County voters can cast ballots from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., October 21 through November 3 on the first floor of the Student Academic Success Center (SASC). Vote-by-mail ballots can also be returned there. If you are not registered in Miami-Dade County, look up early voting locations on your… Continue reading

Union Office Hours – Fall 2024

Grievance When? Tuesdays, 9 – 10 AM Where? Zoom: Email: Membership, Katie Rainwater When? Wednesdays, 2 – 3 PM Where? Zoom: Email: President,  Eric Scarffe When? By appointment Email: Vice President,  Tania Cepero Lopez When? Tuesdays, 1 – 2 PM Where? PC 111   Continue reading

Chapter Council – April 2023

The Chapter Council shall meet at least twice per semester, or whenever called by the President or by a majority of the council, to establish the bargaining agenda, coordinate membership meetings, promote the welfare of the Chapter, advise the Treasurer on the chapter budget, and exercise its powers of advice and consent. April 24, 2023 from 10am to 12pm via zoom. Contact the webmaster for the link. The ultimate authority in the Chapter rests with… Continue reading

Freedom To Teach – Freedom To Learn

Freedom of speech and inquiry, as well as freedom from censorship and intimidation, are essential for the success of all educational environments. With its vague language and abstract prohibitions on what (or how) faculty can teach topics related to race and gender, HB 7 is designed to create a “chilling effect” by silencing discussion of topics that make people in power uncomfortable. The HB-7 Taskforce is hosting a series of meetings where we’ll offer a… Continue reading

Important Agreement on Evaluations, Tenure/Promotion & Remote Teaching

As we continue to navigate the impacts of COVID-19 and act to minimize its disruption to our students and our own work, it is important that faculty rights established in the Collective Bargaining Agreement are not overlooked. With this in mind, the UFF-FIU bargaining team and the FIU Administration bargaining team have agreed to a second Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU restates our previous agreement on instructional assignment, evaluations, and course ownership, and adds language on research evaluations and access to research spaces, as… Continue reading