Members of the Faculty Collective Bargaining Unit,
I am happy to report that considerable progress was made at the bargaining table on Friday. With Dr. Judith Blucker leading the administration team for the first time, the union and the administration were able to reach tentative agreement on the Tenure article. Further, an aggressive schedule of three half-day and two full-day bargaining sessions before the end of February was agreed to, as well as a goal of reaching a new agreement by March 15. While that goal would have seemed hopelessly optimistic just a month ago, today it seems ambitious, but possible, given the new, professional, no-nonsense approach of the administration team.
When both teams bring to the table a familiarity with how a university works, and especially an understanding of past practice at FIU, the bargaining process can proceed expeditiously. Finally, after a year, the administration seems to have such a team in place.
The next bargaining session will be held next Friday, January 28, from 9 to 12, location still to be determined.
P.S. If you are not yet a member of the union, a membership form may be downloaded at Application Form.