Bargaining Update

The FIU administration and the United Faculty of Florida (UFF-FIU) are pleased to announce a tentative salary agreement for the 2024-27 academic years. This tentative agreement recognizes the success enshrined by our new Preeminent Research University designation and aligns with our continuous commitment to fostering a thriving academic environment and supporting our meritorious faculty.  This tentative agreement does not become effective until it is ratified by both the UFF-FIU and the FIU-BOT. Annual Salary. As a… Continue reading

Ratification Meeting Notice

In anticipation of our anticipated contract ratification vote on September 10th and 11th, we are beginning to schedule chapter meetings to discuss the tentatively agreed upon changes. A summary of changes, as well as the tentative agreements reached on individual articles, will be made available to members online as they are completed. The first of these meetings will take place on: August 26th at 2:00pm on Zoom: Zoom Link Zoom Link Information: Topic: UFF-FIU Ratification… Continue reading

Compensation Update

UFF-FIU Compensation Summary & Counteroffer Last week, the bargaining teams met to discuss compensation. After a brief clarifying discussion about their offer, the UFF-FIU bargaining team decided to end the bargaining session without making a new counteroffer. The team has requested the use of our the contractually guaranteed summer consultation meeting with President Jessell to discuss the work required to achieve preeminent status, the public pronouncements concerning how the new recurring funds would be used,… Continue reading

Bargaining Progress

The UFF-FIU and administration bargaining teams have reached tentative agreements on two items: Article 10 – Grievances and the Policy for Neutral, Internal, Resolution, of Disputes (NIRD). Article 10 – Grievances Neutral, Internal, Resolution, of Disputes (NIRD) Continue reading

Bargaining Update – October 10, 2023

Your UFF-FIU Bargaining Team, along with members of the faculty senate and administration, has been hard at work in a working group focused on developing procedures and policies to implement FIU Regulation 250 (faculty post-tenure review). The bargaining team will be hosting an info session on Wednesday, October 11th from 2-3pm to provide faculty with an update on where things currently stand, as well as listen to faculty concerns. Check your FIU email for the… Continue reading

Executive Summary: 2023-24 Reopeners

UFF-FIU and the FIU administration have concluded bargaining on reopeners for the 2023-2024 contract year. Negotiations began in the spring and concluded on August 26th, 2023. On Wednesday, Sept 6 and Thursday, Sept 7, the union will host a vote to ratify the following changes to the contract for years 2021-2024. 1. A Change to Appendix A: Position Classification in the Bargaining Unit (website link) Summary: The change brings some centre directors (administrative code C4)… Continue reading

Bargaining Sessions – 2023 Reopeners

The bargaining teams for UFF-FIU and the FIU Administration will hold bargaining sessions every other week during the Fall and Spring terms to discuss reopeners for 2023, the final year of our three-year contract. They will be held remotely via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided upon request to the bargaining team. The meetings are open for those who wish to view them, but only the bargaining teams will be recognized for discussion. The… Continue reading

Voting Locations For 2022-23 Re-openers

On Wednesday and Thursday, the Faculty Union will host a vote for the ratification of the 2022-23 re-openers. Visit the Executive Summary Page for information about the re-openers. Join us for an informational Zoom meeting (Zoom Link), Monday, September 12, 1-2pm. Voting will be open on the following days and times. Wednesday, 9/14 from 10am-2pm Thursday, 9/15 from 10am-2pm These are the voting locations. MMC – at the bottom of the escalators on the first… Continue reading

Bargaining Sessions – Spring 2022

The bargaining teams for UFF-FIU and the FIU Administration will hold bargaining sessions every other week during the Spring 2022 term. They will be held remotely via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided upon request to the bargaining team. The meetings are open for those who wish to view them, but only the bargaining teams will be recognized for discussion. March 24, 2022 at 3:30 pm April 7, 2022 at 3:30 pm April 21,… Continue reading

Important Agreement on Evaluations, Tenure/Promotion & Remote Teaching

As we continue to navigate the impacts of COVID-19 and act to minimize its disruption to our students and our own work, it is important that faculty rights established in the Collective Bargaining Agreement are not overlooked. With this in mind, the UFF-FIU bargaining team and the FIU Administration bargaining team have agreed to a second Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU restates our previous agreement on instructional assignment, evaluations, and course ownership, and adds language on research evaluations and access to research spaces, as… Continue reading