Collective Bargaining Update
As we reported earlier, the UFF-FIU and the FIU Administration have concluded negotiations on a three-year contract (2015-2018). We will be scheduling information and ratification meetings in January. Here is a summary of the negotiations:
Rights, Benefits, Protections Strengthened
1% retention raise to the base effective January 16, 2016 for all employees employed before July 1, 2015.
1% of 2014-2015 base salary payroll for Merit raise to the base, to be decided by departmental merit criteria, with minimum amount to be $750 to each eligible faculty member, effective January 16, 2016.
Parental Leave
One-child policy ended; 26 weeks of Parental Leave may be divided over 2 children, as long as no more than 2 semesters total are affected.
Status quo, with language rewritten only for clarification and additional protections of faculty. Language retained: “No employee shall be required to teach a course as an online course…”
External Tenure and Promotion Letters
Each department/unit shall decide whether the candidates in their discipline will have access to the external reviewers’ letters, after a democratic vote of the eligible tenured and tenure-earning faculty and according to the department/unit procedures for changing T&P policies.
All members of the bargaining unit will now have promotion procedures, including Research Associates and Instructional Specialists
Tuition Reimbursement for Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Faculty who do not have the terminal degree but are enrolled in a program to earn it will now have tuition reimbursement at FIU rates for up to 6 credits per semester.
Overload Pay
Overload pay must be at least $1,000 per credit.
Tuition Waivers
Spouses may now take courses with tuition waived without having to enroll in a degree-seeking program.
Grievance Time Limits
The time limit to file grievances and complaints has been extended from 30 to 45 days.
Domestic Partners
Domestic partners of same or opposite sex are now recognized in the agreement, and employees
have Bereavement Leave at the death of a partner.
Policy Changes
Policies may not be changed without collective bargaining.
Job Abandonment
Days when the university is closed may not be counted as days missed in deciding job abandonment.
Dues Deduction and PAC Contributions
Minor changes made at UFF request.
Copies of CBA
Copies of the Collective Bargaining Agreement will only be available online (no hard copies),
but will be in searchable format.
Rights, Benefits, Protections Weakened or Lost
UFF Proposals Deferred to Future Bargaining
Summer pay for tuition-generating activities like thesis and dissertation direction, not currently compensated.
Additional benefits for domestic partners.
Increase in overload pay minimum.