Update from the UFF President – Fall 2022

Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to take a minute to check in and fill you in on a few things. I do hope that your mid-semester is providing you with an opportunity to catch your breath before the second half of the semester. I also hope that you and yours are in good health and good spirits despite the multiple crises we continue to face. The UFF-FIU leadership is committed to maintaining safe working conditions for you. Please continue to reach out with your concerns as we navigate the changes moving forward. Below you will find a few items that we want to keep you updated on.

UFF-FIU Polo Shirts for Members

Remember to order your UFF-FIU paid for, union made shirts. Please complete the Google form sent to your FIU email on September 30th, and choose the style, color, and size. We will be sending them to your preferred address. Your order form is due by October 15th.

If you are a member and did not receive the email, please contact us. If you are not a member, you can always join UFF-FIU at join.uff-fiu.org.

MOU Reminders

A reminder that according to our ratified MOU, if you are in need of a pause in your tenure clock as a result of COVID-19, the deadline is October 16th.  You will not be denied the pause in your tenure clock as a result of COVID-19.

If you haven’t already attested to a COVID-19 health vulnerability for Spring 2021, the attestation process is very simple. You will receive a confirmation email from HR after you submit your attestation. I know the scheduling process for Spring 2021 is very confusing right now and the communication about what to do is overwhelming, but you are protected with the spring MOU from being compelled to return to a non-remote setting.

UFF-FIU Chapter Meeting

Please mark your calendars for Friday, October 30th at 10am-12pm for our Fall UFF-FIU Chapter Meeting. The meeting will be held virtually (Zoom link). I encourage everyone to attend.

As always, do not hesitate to contact me with questions.

In Solidarity,

Martha Meyer
UFF-FIU President

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