Ratification Vote


UFF-FIU Contract Ratification Vote

Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22

Venues at MMC, BBC, and the Engineering Center

Modesto Maidique Campus
Green Library, First Floor, By The Escalators
Biscayne Bay Campus
Glenn Hubert Library, First Floor Lobby, in Front of the Circulation Desk
Engineering Campus
College of Engineering Lobby

The members of the bargaining unit, meaning all faculty for which the collective bargaining
agreement covers, are invited to vote thumbs up or thumbs down on ratifying the language.
Voting will take place on Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22 in 3 venues, one each on the
MMC, BBC, and Engineering Center campuses.

View the

proposed changes
to the 2015-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement. In the
document, the changes are listed in red – either as additions (underlined) or
deletions (strikethrough).

These are the highlights of the changes:

  • Release Time
  • Salaries
    • Retention Increase of 1%, with a minimum of $800.
    • Department Merit of 0.5%.
    • Promotion Increases raised to 12% and 14%.
  • Distinguisehd University Professor

For your reading pleasure, below is the document upon which both parties agreed and upon which
you will vote. For your reference, you may wish to examine the

entire current collective bargaining agreement


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