Scrivener Error Correction for 2018-21 Contract

The contract for 2018-21 had a scrivener error that has been corrected. Section of the phased retirement program has been corrected to read: vi. Re-employment Period. The period of re-employment obligation shall extend over five (5) consecutive academic years, beginning with the first day of classes of the Fall or Spring semester next following the effective date of retirement and the fulfillment of the six (6) month retirement validation period described in Paragraph 6(B)(iii),… Continue reading

Summary of Contract Changes for 2018-21

  Proposed Language Changes Proposed changes to the 2018-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement are listed below in color—either as additions or deletions. Page numbers are to the 2015-2018 CBA , and given new additions/deletions, they may change in the future. ARTICLE 11 SALARIES 2015-2018 CBA, p. 27 (a) 2015-2016 2018-2019 Salary Retention Increase. Effective on January 16, 2016 upon the faculty contract date for academic year 2018-2019, all eligible employees who were employed prior to July 1, 2015… Continue reading

CBA Changes – 2017

CHANGES TO 2015-2018 CBA AS PER FIU-UFF AGREEMENT FROM 2/22/17 Proposed changes to the 2015-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement are listed below in red color—either as additions (underlined) or deletions (strikethrough). Page numbers (in blue) ,referenced in parentheses, are to the current 2015-2018 CBA , and given new additions/deletions, they may change in the future. Article 3 UFF CHAPTER PRIVILEGES 3.4 (g) Released time shall be used for conducting UFF Chapter business at the University or… Continue reading