Avoid Decertification

Dear Colleagues, Please join the union (UFF-FIU) by January 24 to avoid the decertification of the union. Last year, the state legislature passed a requirement that some public sector unions maintain a density of at least 60% membership to continue to be recognized as the bargaining agent. All members must be signed up for e-dues by no later than January 24th to be counted toward the numbers we need to avoid decertification. While membership numbers… Continue reading

Freedom To Teach – Freedom To Learn

Freedom of speech and inquiry, as well as freedom from censorship and intimidation, are essential for the success of all educational environments. With its vague language and abstract prohibitions on what (or how) faculty can teach topics related to race and gender, HB 7 is designed to create a “chilling effect” by silencing discussion of topics that make people in power uncomfortable. The HB-7 Taskforce is hosting a series of meetings where we’ll offer a… Continue reading

Take Action Against HB 1197

In the final days of the session, the legislative assault on your union rights has been renewed. HB 1197, which is currently being fast-tracked through the Florida Senate, would prohibit you from having your union dues deducted via payroll deduction. The legislation requires union chapters with membership below 50% of those eligible to join to petition the Public Employees Relations Commission for recertification.   The Senate Rules Committee will be taking HB 1197 tomorrow, Tuesday… Continue reading

UFF Statewide Day of Action – Protect Higher Ed!

Dear UFF Members, Florida politicians who don’t believe in science are putting politics before public safety. Instead of keeping our most vulnerable communities safe and healthy, Florida’s Governor is trying to prohibit mask mandates and threatening to defund schools implementing protective measures in the classroom. At UFF we believe that the power of collective action is what makes us strong, so on August 16th, we encourage you to express your power by joining with your… Continue reading